click here to play video of SEASON 20 CONSOLE refurbished by MBH
The BBCs remake (left) & the restoration by myself |

After filming the 50th anniversary trailer I was given this by the BBC as a thank U for contributing |
click here to play video of TARDIS console (season 20) refurbished by MBH
DALEK featured in the50th anniversary BBC1 trailer |

This is a part original/replica 1970s Pertwee era Dalek from Planet Of The Daleks! at Excel |
-and with Tom Baker as a GENESIS DALEK! |

Part original DALEK made for 50th trailer & Excel exhibit poses with Tom Baker outside The Ivy 2014 |
Original Dalek gun from Planet Of The Daleks |

the gun installed on my 'Planet' Dalek is perhaps from the goon to the left of Terry Nation pictured |
Original Dalek Gun from Goon with Tom Baker at TVC |

The gun(auctioned at Longleat83) is perhaps the one to the left of Tom Baker now fitted to my Dalek |
This is Sarah Sutton's actual Traken choker brooch |

I have made copies, so contact me if you wish to purchase a Nyssa of Traken brooch replica £99 |
TEGAN's air stewardess costume by June Hudson |

Originally gifted to Janet after filming, eaten by moths and remade by Myself with Janet's help 2017 |
TEGAN's handbag, 1 of 2 store bought vintage 1980 |

After June Hudson verified it,DWE displayed it & now I keep it with my remake of Tegan's costume |
Furniture from Nyssa & Tegan's bedroom set |

Featured in The Visitation & Arc Of Infinity |

Gary Downie didn't realise that the tea set had featured in DR WHO, and let me have it. |
salvaged waistcoat torn in half in Castrovalva |

Tripple whammy: Tegan,the 4th DR (meglos style)& Dorka Nieradzik's WATCHER is a LOGOPOLIS collection |
Nyssa & Tegans bedroom lamp in the Tardis |

seen in The Visitation and again in Terminus and The Arc Of Infinity |
Nyssa's Lamp on set |

to the left of Nyssa's head, you can just about see the square tea pot - now on my window sil below. |
The Kinda tribe necklace -also used in EARTHSHOCK! |

This was first auctioned at 'Longleat 83' (one of two) |
Kinda Artifact (jesters mask) |

This prop was designed/made by Malcom Thornton. I bought this at Bonhams 2010 |
June & I meet every Christmas for tea & selfies! |

She has lots of vintage WHO treasures laying around her apartments, Notice Tegan's hat & other bits |
Earthshock Cyberman, Dalek & Console during shoot |

This was the exciting 2013 Easter Egg shoot to celebrate 50years of DrWho |
Door pull Signs & windows from Privately owned BOX |

2 textured Paint examples, Tom Baker era (left) & late Colin Baker-Sylvester McCoy era-final (right) |

An original Tardis 'police public call box' sign from Baker/Davison era &prep for Tardis restoration |
seal of the high council! THE REAL THING |

as held by Anthony Ainley, Liz Sladen, & Pertwee! re-uinited with BESSIE! |
Original screen used Marshman from 'Full Circle' |

This mask is the only existing one left in its original state, no work has been done since shooting! |
purchased on eBay, its one of my favourite stories |

an old, delicate velvet waistcoat from Catrovalva! |

JNT once said, a duplicate waistcoat was ripped up in 'Castrovalva' (this one has a Velcro seam Back |
Tom Baker wore myCity Of Death coat&Scarf in SHADA |

in 2017 Tom Baker wore my costume in SHADA for his final scene playing The DOCTOR! |
Tardis roundels and wall panel |

I display my original (bought at Longleat) alongside my replicas, mounted in the wall. |
my part replica/part original TARDIS console |

only a few original parts survived the 1983 revamp, I got the co-ordinates &few other parts from JNT |
My season 20 TARDIS console bits taking over home! |

I've been making this accurate copy since 2006 it's now been used on screen 2013 50th anniversary trailer |
screen seen Part original/part reproTARDISconsole |

I am using some salvaged parts from the original to make an authentic looking representation |
below is a link to a section on Flickr |

click here to see more about my work on BBC Exhibitions relating to DRWHO & this console prop
A job with Sylvester in 2008 |

I could get out of my costume, he said, 'Lucky YOU, Im stuck in mine!!!' |
My part original/part replica 'Resurrection' Dalek |

some parts date back to 1970's (possibly earlier I'm told) now resides at The Doctor Who Experience |

Chancellor Goth from Deadly Assassin |

This 1976 costume is the title character's 'The Deadly Assassin' GOTH I used to wear it at Longleat |
Before & after light restoration |

salvage is about KEEPING what was there, this is a light restoration but very intricate & takes time |
to the left it the state of decay I received it in |

The gentle cleaning process (I say gentle... it's such hard work) to the right you can see results. |
A very Tall mannequin for Goth The Deadly Assassin |

Actor Bernard Horsfall was quite a tall chap. but not this tall! It fits me perfectly at 5ft 11 |
The man himself actor Bernard Horsfall AKA GOTH |

in 1976 the collar was gleaming & pristine clean. |
Tardis interior door handle. original prop |

JNT had salvaged surprisingly few of these. I bought this one and its now on my Bathroom door. |
Doka Nieradzik's WATCHER Bonhams 2017 |

this prosthetic face mask was made for use in LOGOPOLIS 1980 there were 2 versions up for auction |

an old Adric costume and various bits, I regret selling on ebay a few years ago... |

just a peak inside my DALEK DOME |

A very accurate reproduction of the 'Genisis' Dalek eye stalk compared to The 70'S Original below |

My Favourite item, possibly the only last surviving 1970's 'Planet/Day Of The Daleks' eye stalk!!! |
Slave braclet / necklace from The Visitation. |

Cyberman gun from Longleat |


a salvaged Tardis panel circa 1982-83 |

seen on the console during season 20 from snake dance until the retirement of the prop |
An Earthshock Cyberman ' destroyed' |

This is how this exhibit was preserved for 25 years, untouched after the filming of 'Attack' 1985 |
AND RESTORATION Now... this is something I have started and simply can't finish until its complete. I had no idea, the day I went to Bonhams that I would have felt such disappointment that I couldn't buy a Cyberman...and
I had no idea I held such a latent, passionate respect for the design and preservation, specifically for the destroyed Cyberman
costume prop that seemed to be the least desirable of them all, on the day.... but having seen it way back at Longleat
year after year, laying on the floor, I realised that it was actually older and of greater value than the ones standing in
better condition - and would be well worth saving and cleaning up one day... little did I know, years later that
I would be here breaking the bank to get hold of it and do JUST THAT! so please forgive my indulgence and manic ramblings.
If you're a purist you will, I'm sure feel empathy, and if you believe that DR WHO props are a potential future investment
- and a TREASURE you will understand my passion all the more, and as I said, I have started something I simply must finish. read on....

I am merging Bonhams Lots 134 & parts of 135... |

This was the only Earthshock Cyberman dating back to 1982, it was a wreck, but hidden treasure!!! |

lot 135 |
Head of Cyberman after careful minimal restoration |

Also appeared in The 5 Dr's 1983 & Attack of the Cybermen1985 |
The head has a distinctive dent above the left eye |

This mark is unique to this cyber head, and makes it easy to identify on screen |
in Attack its in the Tardis holding Perry captive! |

Its also the stair crawling Cyberman that zapped Adric's logic computer at the end of EARTHSHOCK! |
chest plate from Attack of The Cybermen |

The Heads also seen in The 5 Doctors as the Cyber Lieutenant who says "leader, the bombs are ready!" |

the inside! it has the name Ian written in it. |

Who's Ian? He was the uncredited Extra from its last TV appearance, He must still be in theTardis!!! |
This Earthshock glove appears black at the cuff |

this is because it was folded back and tucked inside, to give the same look as the Moonboots! |
The famous 'Five Doctors' glove! |

It's possibly the very glove seen in the shot of the Cyber hand grabbing The Dr's through the wall |
classic Earthshock tucked inside itself! |

this was originally sewed folded inside, but Bonhams undid it not knowing that its supposed to be! |
classic Earthshock clench! |

I was very lucky to get screen used head handles |

-and mouth piece, also I acquired a chest plate cover to complete it! |
the original Earthshock chest centre plate cover |

this is much stronger & robust & although it's heat damaged, and warped its not as bad as the latter |

the immersion boiler suit was flat & solid |

one of the most stressful things was forcing it on the mannequin & hearing the cracking latex rubber |
back of costume complete |

recent work & contributions... |

2013 50th anniversary trailer props & artefacts in co-operation with Andrew Beech & EXCEL convention |
All the Props on this page are privately owned artifacts from DR WHO. As You will have seen on the Longleat
1983 celebration page, I was too young at the time to even understand what an auction was let alone go and take part, however
I have since been able to buy the items which I've always wanted thanks to good old ebay! I have always kept an eye
out as an adult ever since I missed out on the 1991 Auction and then the 2005 auction. I recently attended the auction
at Bonhams and won three lovely items which I used to see every day in Longleat, I have also picked up many GREAT genuine
screen seen props from other collectors (Ebay sales) and also from JNT and Gary Downie in private sales and sometimes part
of payment for a professional engagement. I have also got a few momentos form the days at Longleat! If YOU
Have anything which might be of interest to me, which you are considering selling I would love to hear from
you to discuss a possible purchase. This page is for display purpose only, I am not willing to sell anything myself at this
time, I'm actualy looking to add to my collection.
contact MBH
pleaseCREDIT this site before using pics elsewhere |

Thanks to, JuneHudson AndrewBeech MikeTucker LorneMartin AndyHopkinson ChrisPotter ChrisBalcombe&JNT |